Code of Conduct

HRConnect Discussion Group: Terms, Guidelines & Etiquette

Updated: November 20, 2023

Thanks for being part of our HRConnect community. HRConnect is designed to provide a forum for member-to-member interaction and dialog. To ensure the best possible experience for all DallasHR members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation.

By becoming a member and utilizing our e-mail lists, you acknowledge that you have read and will adhere to the rules and guidelines outlined for these peer discussion groups. Please reserve list discussions for topics best suited to this medium, facilitating constructive exchanges, advice solicitation, and engagement in ongoing conversations. Violation of these guidelines may result in the blocking of HRConnect access. There are no additional fees or costs associated with using this service.

We value your feedback, questions, or concerns about DallasHR. If you have inquiries related to association management or encounter technical issues, please contact DallasHR directly at

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with these crucial guidelines. For any questions, reach out to our member services department. To maintain a climate that fosters both civil and fruitful dialogue, DallasHR reserves the right to suspend or terminate membership for those who violate these rules.

Key Rules:

  • Respectful Interaction: Do not challenge or attack others; encourage conversations rather than contention.
  • Relevance: This is not an area for posting resumes, job announcements, marketing products, soliciting resumes, promoting events, or conducting online surveys. If you wish to share resumes or advertise open HR positions, we encourage you to utilize our JobLink group here on HRConnect or leverage the DallasHR Career Center for these purposes.
  • Solicitation/Spamming: Collecting phone numbers or e-mail addresses from HRConnect for the purpose of solicitation or "spamming" will not be tolerated. 
  • Commercial Messages: Do not post commercial messages; to share product and service information contact individuals directly via HRConnect if you believe it would help them.
  • Caution with Product Discussions: Exercise caution when discussing products, as posted information is visible to all and subject to legal considerations.
  • Prohibited Content: Avoid posting defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials.
  • Copyright Awareness: Respect copyright ownership and be mindful of the disclaimer and legal rules regarding posted information.
  • Reproduction Rights: DallasHR members have the right to reproduce postings within HRConnect.
  • Appropriate List Usage: Send messages only to the most relevant list(s) and refrain from spamming multiple lists with the same message.
  • Message Quality: All messages should contribute to the body of knowledge. DallasHR reserves the right to reject any message for any reason.

E-Group Etiquette:

  • Include Signature Tag: Add a signature tag with your name, affiliation, and location to all messages. 
  • Clear Subject Lines: State the topic of your comments concisely in the subject line for better response and searchability.
  • Concise Replies: Include only relevant portions in your reply; delete unnecessary header information.
  • Targeted Messages: Send messages beneficial to everyone to the entire list; use “Reply to Sender” for individual acknowledgments.
  • Administrative Messages: Handle administrative requests through the Web interface rather than the EGroup
  • Warning for Lengthy Messages: Precede lengthy messages with "Long Message" In the subject line or at the beginning of the message body.

Legal Information:

HRConnect provides EGroups as a DallasHR service, and DallasHR disclaims responsibility for opinions and information posted by others. DallasHR does not actively monitor postings but will take appropriate action against inappropriate content if brought to its attention. Users must not post materials violating copyright or encouraging illegal conduct. DallasHR reserves the right to terminate access for users who do not adhere to these guidelines.

Thank you for your commitment to maintaining a respectful and enriching community within HRConnect.